Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today's Strength

A friend of mine gave me a book to read the other day it is by Max Lucado and it is called Traveling Light-ever read it?  Well,  on Mondays Alyssa has ballet from 7-8pm and I usually drop her off and then a good friend who takes dance with Alyssa her mom brings her home.  I knew there would be a few people I would see there that hadn't talked with me since Friday and would be asking about Brandon so I told Mike I was actually going to stay and wait for Alyssa.  I ran into a few folks and we visited but I had taken this book with me to read if I got time and I did-which is rare.   I love to read but books for pleasure but that doesn't happen often-so I had an hour to just be me, by myself and quiet, which I haven't really done since this whirlwind started last week.   I opened this book and started reading.  It was like God himself was speaking to me-it is based on the 23rd Psalm.  Things that I know in my heart but it was almost like I needed to hear it being said (even though I wasn't hearing voices mine you-not that crazy yet) but while I was reading things I knew and I am grounded in, yet I haven't been whole heartedly believing.
One thing was this quote from the book
"Meet today's problems with today's strength.  Don't start tackling tomorrow's problems until tomorrow.  You do not have tomorrow's strength yet.  You simply have enough for today."
He goes on to talk about in the next chapter "It's a Jungle Out There" about times in our lives feeling like we are lost in a Jungle (Lynnette-if you are reading this-WOW!  You just told me that story yesterday)
"We ask the same questions, don't we?  We ask God, "Where are you taking me?  Where is my path?" And He, like the guide, doesn't tell us.  Oh, He may give us a hint or two, but that's all.  If He did, would we understand?  Would we comprehend our location?  No like the traveler, we are unacquainted with this jungle.  So rather than give us an answer, Jesus gives us a far greater gift.  He gives us himself. Does He remove the jungle?  No, the vegetation is still thick.  Does He purge the predators?  No, danger still lurks.  Jesus doesn't give hope by changing the jungle, He restores our hope by giving Himself.  And has promised to stay until the very end."  "I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matt. 28:20)
I needed that-for days I have walked around quoting scriptures in my head about God and how He cares for us-but was I truly believing it?  I have lived in fear for 5 days and if I am honest I am still afraid of what might happen at the Dr.'s appointment at Cook's tomorrow-but the truth is we might not even leave there tomorrow knowing anything more than I know today (I pray not-I am praying that we would find out they are not cancer) except this one true fact, Jesus loves me (and my Brandon) this I know, for the bible tells me so, little ones (and big ones) to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong and He will never leave us nor forsake us.
I really truly feel like I am wandering around in the jungle right now-not able to see through all the trees-but if I will only reach out and let me Jesus grab my hands and walk me through-no matter what is on the other side-He is there for me-getting me through today-with today's strength.

    God will make a way, Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He will be my guide Hold me closely to His side With love and strength for each new day He will make a way, He will make a way.
Tomorrow seems so long away from today-in some ways I am glad in others not-I wish I could wake up and we would be on the other side of all of this-I have never wanted and not wanted something to happen so much at the same time.
Thanks for continuing to pray for us.  We will be at Cook's tomorrow at 2:30 Central Time and I would asked you would pray us through that appointment.


Trisha said...

Found you through Lyn's blog....please know I'll be praying for all of you. May you know His peace that passes all understanding. Hugs!

cooperkelly4 said...

Hi Jill! So glad that the Lord gave you a sweet little moment of time to be refreshed in Him. I love it when He speaks to my heart like He did yours. Praying you will be encouraged and at peace tomorrow at Cook's. Kelly

Unknown said...

Thank you both so much. I am as ready as I will ever be to have to walk through the doors of a cancer Dr.'s office for one of my sweet child God has blessed me and my husband with. I am clinging to the edge of His garments tonight and praying whatever tomorrow brings He will give us the strength to get through it.
Thank you for praying for my sweet baby.

Vashti said...

Your Title caught my eye -Pathway to Purpose (Loving the music)!

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

Thanks for your precious comments on my blog. Your family and son are in my thoughts and prayers.
This morning God met me with words from Max Lucado's new book, "Fearless". It came through a devotional sent out through Life Today...it might be on their web site.
Blessings during this time and praying for healing in Jesus name.