Friday, October 29, 2010

Analeigh's Rendition of Jesus Loves Me

Analeigh loves for me to sing Jesus Loves Me every night when she goes to bed and she loves to sing it herself so the other day I was trying to capture her singing it on the camera so I could post it on FB for my parents to see it.  This was the best one I got.  When I would get the camera out she would get shy on me-which is funny because she is not normally very shy.  So this is what happened-since I didn't really want to be heard on the tape too I was trying not to sing with her but if I would stop and just try whispering the words she would start to whisper too or when I tried just mouthing the words she started to copy me-hence why she is singing with her lips really pronouncing the words-that cracked me up-I was trying not to laugh out loud while she was doing it cause my laugh would drowned her singing out too.  So I thought it was cute and I wanted to share it with you all
Remember-Jesus Loves You this I know for the Bible tells me so! You will have to shut off my music player at the bottom first to hear this.
HAPPY Friday-

1 comment: said...

How precious....hold on to each moment!!!
Yes He loves us sooooooooooooooo!!!!