Monday, August 8, 2011

Tender Mercy

I recently started reading a book for moms called "Tender Mercy" and I have really enjoyed it. We took a little road trip to Sea World Friday and Saturday and so I had a little free time in the car to read.  I love to read, but I am usually too busy to get to read "extra" things for just enjoyment purposes, like Christian inspirational books so I welcomed the time in the car to do that this weekend.
There was so much in the book that spoke directly to me, I think I have been so busy that my vision has become blurry trying to keep up with all that my life has had for me to do everyday lately.

I have always struggled since being a mom about being a "super mom" not that I will ever be close but feeling like I need to do everything all the time for everyone and if I wasn't doing that I was failing.

Lately though I have felt the Lord pricking my heart about things in my life ( at the time not that I even realized I was even doing it knowingly) but things like putting my family, and friends and even "church" things as a priority, above even my relationship with Him.  I love my Lord with all my heart but I have let "things" rob me of a relationship of growing closer to Him and His will for my life.  Even things He has blessed me with and yet I have allowed them to take over my life and crowded out the time I need to have more intimate time with Him, to grow in my relationship with Him, and to grow more into the person He has created me to be.

So when I was reading this book, there was so much that jumped out at me.  One thing Angela talked about in the book was how we are God breathed, He called each of our souls into being and breathed His spirit into us to give us life.  We are His precious creations designed for communication with Him.  There is no way to fulfill the true destiny of our lives, to be the woman God dreamed of when He thought of us, apart from His indwelling.
Our soul is the place God fashioned for His presence-the place where He intends to abide and to work.  Our souls are a holy place.  We were made for God.  We were designed to function poorly, to feel overwhelmed and alone, APART from our relationship with Jesus.  We were made to be lost without God.  If we look to ourselves or some worldly effort to fill our souls, then we are left empty because our souls were formed as God's dwelling place.  Our souls cannot function as intended apart from the divine and supernatural indwelling of God.              

I  had felt overwhelmed lately, feeling like I wasn't doing any of the things I love to do well, I had to stop while I was reading the book and ask the questions of myself that she ask, Who was I doing these things for, approval from man or God? Have my expectations have been misplaced?  No man can ever do what only Jesus can do in my soul.  Only Jesus can fill us, only Jesus can love us completely.  Only Jesus will meet every need.  People need (even our family and friends) Jesus to spill from our lives onto them.  We have to run to Jesus to be filled, and when we are full, everyone around us gets Jesus, my husband, my children, my family and friends. We will spill Jesus onto them from a full cup when we fun to Him first.

I just wanted to share with you some things that touched my heart. Maybe you are running on empty some days (I know I do) and maybe you already know you need to run to Him to be filled up before you can do what you need to for others, but maybe like me, you needed a little reminder to run to Him to be filled, to the One that created you and knows every hair on your head, the One that totally and completely loves you, the One and Only One that can completely fill you up so that you will spill Jesus over onto them!

My sweet family in front of the Alamo this weekend.

My treasures in front of Sea World

The sweet blessings God has given me to care for.

The reasons I want to spill over Jesus!

On this Pathway-

2 comments: said...

Oh know this toooooooo well...thanks for the encouraging words. I also see that even with four of my six out of the house I am still wanting to be super mom...still trying to arrange family events, still trying to keep them all close, still trying!!..and then I hit those times I am so lonely, which means I have neglected the one who made me, who fulfills me...that isn't my kids or husband's responsibility.

Thanks for this word this glad you all had such a wonderful trip.

Tami said...

I saw a comment of yours on Trisha's blog, so thought I'd take a peak back over in "Abilene, Abilene, the prettiest town that I've ever seen"! So glad I did! This post was so encouraging and I may just have to check out that book myself. It seems I've been going through a crash course on this very subject since moving to NM. I guess the difference is that I've been willing to learn this time around and finding that it's so freeing to know that there ain't no happy like the happy found in Christ. I've learned deep down (even despite hormones) that if my soul is disturbed, my relationship with the Lord needs more careful attention. He heals me again and again, even when I still try to fill my cup with my own accomplishments. He always woos me back to where I need to His presence completely and fully engaged.
Anyway, wanted to say hello and thank you for sharing such rich truth!
BTW, what church do you attend in Abilene? I think I told you before, but that's where I went to college and I still have a precious few dear friends there.
Blessings on You,